News / Uutta
Bach, Corelli, Telemann, Boccherini, Sonninen, Niittykoski, Jylhä, Kentala, Piae Cantiones...Lue lisää tapahtuman Facebook-sivulta/Read more from the Facebook-site
It was a fantastic week to work together with the Kecskemét Symphony Orchestra and maestro Jorma Panula in Hungary with the following program: Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Stravinsky: Firebird Suite (1919), Brahms: Symphony n.3 and Sibelius: Valse Triste.
J. S. Bach: Konsertto viululle ja oboelle, 1. osa
W. A. Mozart: Pianokonsertto n:ro 12 A-duuri, K. 414, 1. osa
Antonio Vivaldi: Konsertto kahdelle käyrätorvelle o, 2. osa
A. Vivaldi: konsertto jousiorkesterille. D-duuri (RV121)
sekä virsiä orkesterisäestyksellä / and hymns with orchestral accompaniment
Here´s the schedule from 11/7/22 to 16/7/2022
Jorma Panula’s ompositions and arrangements inspired by Finnish folkmusic! We just played an entertaining concert in Kauhajoki on 19/6/2022. You can hear more this music played by these wonderful musicians and yours truly at the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival on 16/7/2022!
The premiere will take place in Kaustinen on May 28, 2022 at 7 p.m. Welcome! More performances at the Kaustinen Folk Music Festival on 14/7/2022 and 15/7/2022! Lue Anni Saaren juttu oopperasta täältä (only in Finnish)
Markus is one of the 20 selected candidates for the international Jorma Panula conducting competition which will take place on November 16-19/2021 in Vaasa, Finland. There were total of 154 conductors who applied to this competition. Read more
Eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem...
"Morsiustaivas" oopperan kuoroharjoitukset ovat käynnistyneet. Oopperan suunniteltu ensi-ilta on toukokuussa 2022 Kaustisella. Lue lisää Perhonjokilaakso-lehdestä täältä
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